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Federal Plus Loans

联邦PLUS贷款(PLUS贷款)是以信用为基础的联邦政府贷款 be repaid with interest. The U.S. Department of Education is the lender. Students 是否需要注册至少一半时间(本科生6小时) and 5 hours for graduate students). Students must have completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to qualify. 欲了解更多信息,请访问联邦学生援助页面 Federal PLUS Loans



Yes. 虽然必须完成FAFSA,但PLUS借款人还必须完成一份 Federal PLUS Loan application. An FSA ID will be required for this process.

A Federal PLUS Loan borrower must be:
  • a U.S. citizen AND
  • 受抚养学生的合法父母(或在FAFSA上列出的继父母) OR
  • a graduate student
NOTE: 受抚养学生的合法父母可以申请联邦家长PLUS贷款. Graduate 学生可以申请研究生联邦PLUS贷款(Grad PLUS贷款). 

  1. Complete the FAFSA.
  2. Visit the Federal Student Loan website.
  3. Sign in using your FSA ID.
  4. Click Request Federal PLUS Loan.
    • 如果您是受抚养学生的合法父母,请单击“家长加”
    • Click Graduate PLUS if you are a graduate student
  5. Complete the PLUS application.
  6. 如果您因不良信用记录而被拒绝,您将立即收到通知.
  7. Complete the PLUS Master Promissory Note.
  8. 只有当你申请研究生PLUS贷款时,才能完成PLUS入学咨询.
NOTE: 信用检查和联邦PLUS贷款批准的有效期只有180天.

A “soft” credit check will be performed by the U.S. Department of Education upon PLUS application submission. 如果借款人有不良的信用记录,他们可能会被拒绝. 然而,联邦PLUS贷款的信用检查将比传统贷款更宽松 credit check. 如果借款人是研究生,那么借款人必须符合标准 eligibility criteria for federal aid. If the borrower is a legal parent of a dependent 学生,该学生必须符合联邦援助的标准资格.

You may choose to seek an endorser. If you choose to pursue this option, your endorser must create an FSA ID to electronically complete the Endorser Addendum. 联邦PLUS贷款只能发放到所认可的金额. You may also choose to appeal the credit decision. Contact information and instructions for appealing 信用决定将在拒绝通知中提供. If a legal parent 由于不良信用而被拒绝联邦家长+贷款 历史(并且不希望追求背书人或对信贷决定提出上诉)或 lack of U.S. 公民身份,该学生可以申请额外的联邦直接无补贴 Loan funds up to the independent student limits. This is typically up to an additional $4,000 for the academic year. See Federal Direct Loansfor more details.

Yes, there is an annual limit. However, the limit depends on the student’s Cost of Attendance (COA) and any other aid the student may be receiving. A student may receive Federal PLUS 贷款资金达到他们的COA减去学生正在接受的任何其他援助. For more information the student may visit their My.UAFS 说明他们的具体COA,并查看他们目前的经济援助奖励方案. PLUS借款人的借款总额没有限制.
NOTE: For more information about federal loans, visit the Private Federal Student Loans page or visit the UAFS Financial Aid Office

联邦PLUS贷款在最后一次支付后60天开始偿还 loan UNLESS the borrower requests an In-School Deferment. This is an option on the PLUS application. The PLUS borrower may also request a grace period. This will appear as an option on 如果借款人选择在校延期,则提供PLUS申请. If the PLUS borrower 在PLUS申请中选择校内延期和宽限期选项; PLUS贷款的偿还方式与联邦直接贷款一样.


虽然你可以选择或分配一个还款计划,当你第一次开始还款 你的学生贷款,你可以随时免费改变还款计划. Contact your 贷款服务商,如果你想讨论还款计划的选择或改变你的还款 plan. 
你可以得到你收到的所有联邦学生贷款的信息 通过登录“我的联邦学生援助”找到贷款服务机构 the Federal Student Aid website. 如果你的贷款有一个以上的服务机构或任何未偿还的FFEL贷款,你 may also consider consolidating your federal loans. 
Repayment Plan Eligible Loans Monthly Payment and Timeframe Quick Comparison/Requirements
Standard Repayment Plan
Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
All PLUS Loans
每月至少支付50美元的固定金额,最长可达10年 在这个计划下,随着时间的推移,你为贷款支付的利息会减少.
Graduated Repayment Plan
Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
All PLUS Loans
一开始付款较低,然后通常每两年增加一次,最多可达 10 years 随着时间的推移,你要比10年标准计划支付更多的贷款
Extended Repayment Plan
Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
All PLUS Loans made to students 
Payments may be fixed or graduated for up to 25 years
你的月供低于10年标准计划,但你会支付更多 随着时间的推移,你会比你在10年标准计划下得到的更多.
如果您是直接贷款借款人或FFEL借款人,您必须拥有30,000美元以上 in outstanding direct loans and be a new borrower.
Income-Based Repayment Plan
Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans
Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loans
All PLUS Loans made to students
合并贷款(直接或FFEL),不包括直接或FFEL PLUS贷款 made to parents
每月最高还款额为可自由支配收入的15%.** Payments will adjust with your income for up to 25 years.
You must have a partial financial hardship.
如果你没有全额偿还贷款后,相当于25年 符合条件的每月付款,任何未偿还的贷款余额将被免除,尽管 you may have to pay income tax on the forgiven amount.

**调整后总收入与贫困线150%的差距 您的家庭规模和居住状态(其他条件可能适用).


UAFS与大湖教育贷款服务公司合作,提供快速选择服务, an easy-to-use educational loan search engine. FastChoice does not provide an exhaustive 所有备选贷款机构的名单,而不是首选贷款机构的名单.

UAFS不保证您对所提供的服务和产品满意 by any lender. 贷款产品的披露可以在每个贷款机构的申请/网站上找到. 如果贷款人向UAFS提供了其披露信息的副本,可以在 My.UAFS.

You, the student, are not required to use one of the lenders on this list. If you prefer to use a different 贷款人,你必须直接联系他们,以确定什么申请流程 is for their institution.

如果您选择使用其他贷方,他们可能会将认证请求发送到 or by fax at 479-788-7095.

Sections 34 CFR 601.1(d) and 34 CFR 668.14(b)(29) of the Higher Education Act of 1965 国家的另类贷款机构和高等教育机构必须提供 you with a copy of the self-certification form. Most lenders include this in their application, or you can download it here.